Agrical’s very own Marathon Man, Managing Director Nigel Collinson beat his own personal best by completing the Worcester Marathon on Sunday 15th April in an impressive 3hrs 46 minutes! Prior to the race Nigel was slightly apprehensive at the prospect of running up the rolling hills of Worcestershire in areas where only climbers dare to tread. Not only did Nigel complete this undulating course he also managed to slice half an hour off his last marathon.
Nigel was spurred on this year by the prospect of raising funds for a friend’s son Hugo who is 3 years old and is suffering from a rare condition called Leukodystrophy. This rare disease affects specific parts of the brain which leads to problems with Hugo’s movement, speech, vision, hearing as well as mental and physical development. Although Hugo has had numerous tests and treatment, his full prognosis has not yet been determined and until this has been confirmed treatment plans have been put on hold.
Understandably Hugo and his family will require an incredible amount of support in the future and his family have set up a community account to help him. The HUGO Everyday Living & Play (HELP) Fund is a way of collecting funds from various events and donations to pay for adaptations to the family home and specialist equipment and care needed to make Hugo’s life a little easier.
Whilst we appreciate that there are many fund-raising initiatives on going and it is not always possible to pledge support, if you are able to give something to the HELP Fund it is hugely appreciated. Unfortunately until Hugo’s condition has been diagnosed, the HELP Fund is unable to link to any charity and thus obtain charity Gift-Aid status. Donations can be made by the following methods;
By cheque payable to HELP Fund and posted to;
Agrical Ltd ( F.A.O Diane Tomkinson)
The Old Estate Office
56 Leeds Road
North Yorkshire
LS24 9HB
By Bank Transfer;
Bank: HSBC, 6 Broad Street, Worcester, WR1 2EJ
Sort code: 40-47-17
Account Number: 02756730
Account Name: HELP Fund
Thank you for your kindness and support.