
Explore | McLarens Platinum Circle Winner: Karl Evans

We spoke with Karl Evans to learn more about his experience with McLarens and what attributed to his recognition in McLarens’ global employee award program, McLarens Platinum Circle.

What has been one of the most interesting or rewarding experiences you have had at McLarens?

Some of the most rewarding experience for me include being a Catastrophe (Cat) response team ember for Hurricanes Irma, Maria (on St. Maarten) and Dorian (Grand Bahama). While based on St. Maarten in particular, I was able to develop my loss adjusting skills in a very short period of time. In the UK, I am fortunate enough to work alongside driven, committed and experienced loss adjusters on major and complex losses, further enabling me to expand my knowledge as a specialist Building Surveyor. Outside of my adjusting responsibilities, I enjoy serving as a social media ambassador, supporting the organisation and my colleagues. My recent McLarens Platinum Circle award is quite an honour and I am delighted to have been selected.

What do you like to do outside of work? Do you have a personal passion?

I have a 10-year-old daughter and our family enjoys going to the cinema, eating out and pretending we’re talented at arts and crafts. My father and I like to play golf together and I follow the Chelsea and Nottingham Forest football teams. I play football too – captaining the McLarens 5-a-side football team here in London. Perhaps due to the highly technical requirements of my field of expertise, some of my hobbies include architectural and landscape photography, listening to classical music, and of course, travelling the UK and world. I’m glad to add Dubai to my excursions this year!

What advice would you give someone starting out in this field or considering it as a career option?

Loss adjusting isn’t a typical career choice; many people come into the industry by chance. While not a ‘9-5’ job and despite long hours, it is rewarding. Since many people have different jobs or careers before becoming adjusters, it’s a testament that various fields of expertise are valuable in the insurance industry. I’d encourage someone starting out to get qualified early in your career, as other life responsibilities (e.g. family and the day-job) may present additional challenges later on. Find a committed mentor who will support your career growth and be a source of knowledge and development.

Explore | McLarens Platinum Circle Winner: Karl Evans