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Senior Adjuster

Chrismas Isa Benny de Lima

Senior Adjuster



  • Aerosol manufacturer. Fire claim to a warehouse building and damaged all content, machinery, and stocks within with an amount of (USD 2.5 Million)
  • Telecommunication company. EEI claim for telecommunication types of equipment (fiber-optic network) due to landslide with an amount of (USD 9 Million)
  • High building construction (Apartment). Fire claim to a powerhouse room and damaged all pieces of equipment within and affected some sections around the room with an amount of (USD 850 K)
  • An enamelware manufacturer. Flood claim was affected various stocks with an amount of (USD 170 K)
  • A public transportation company (airport). Fire claim to the one of power room and affected most of the pieces of equipment within with an amount of (USD 150 K)
  • A dyeing manufacturer. Water damage claim to the yarn stocks with an amount of (USD 120 K)
  • Furniture exporter. Fire claim to the warehouse building and damaged all stocks within with an amount of (USD 70 K)

Office Address / Contact Information

Ventura Bld 6th Floor
Jl. R.A. Kartini no. 26
Cilandak, Jakarta 12430
Local Time:
Local Date:

Industry Certification

Indonesian Certified Adjusting Practitioner (ICAP), Member of APKAI (Asosiasi Penilai Kerugian Asuransi Indonesia)


Technical Workshop on "How To Manage Machinery Breakdown and Business Interruption Claims" by The Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII) and The Australian Institute of Chartered Loss Adjusters (AICLA)

Adjuster Experience

6 years 2018