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Head of Agriculture, UK & Ireland

Stephen Smout

Head of Agriculture, UK & Ireland


Stephen leads our UK &  Ireland Agriculture practice. He is a well-known figure in the Agricultural Insurance market having worked as a successful operational and strategic loss adjuster/ director for initially Mclaren Dick & Co leaving to join Crawfords, and recently returning to McLarens as Head of Agriculture for the UK & Ireland.

Stephen is a farmers son, qualified in agriculture from Reading University with a working knowledge of dairy, arable, sheep, beef, intensive and organic poultry, and pigs, renewable energy projects and revenue aspects, game rearing/ rural pursuits, estate management/heritage buildings, intensive /organic soft fruit production and growing/packing/logistics/distribution field to table agricultural products.

Prior to entering the Insurance industry, Stephen spent nine years as a technical specialist in Agri-nutrition and Pesticides/fertilizers.


  • CAT Assignment NZ Earthquake
  • Commercial EQ claims Property and BI on behalf of Re-insurers Losses ranged (£750 K to £50 Million)
  • UK Agricultural property & BI claims up to (£5 Million)
  • Farm-based Anaerobic Digester failure environmental and revenue loss (£3.5 Million)
  • Thatched Grade 11 listed Rural farmhouse fire (£2.5 Million)
  • Intensive Poultry loss of production (£750 K)
  • Pedigree Livestock Limousine bull fatality (£500 K)
  • Fish Farm Flood damage Loss of fish & revenue (£150 K)
  • Glass House Failure and loss of crop and revenue (£1.25 Million)

Office Address / Contact Information

Pure Offices, Cheltenham Office Park, Hatherley Lane, Cheltenham, Glos GL51 6SH
United Kingdom
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Industry Certification



BSc (Hons) Agric

Additional Expertise

Agricultural/Rural Property & PL Incidents, Forestry Fire & Storm, Intensive Livestock & Pedigree Livestock disease, Food Manufacturing & Retail Interruption Incidents, Renewable Energy and Revenue Claims, Heritage Property & Ecclesiastical Claims

Adjuster Experience

34 years 1990