Drew Wendland, Executive General Adjuster at McLarens, will give a presentation on Frequent Property Losses and How to Minimize Them at the University of California’s Risk Summit 2014. The summit, which will be held at the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, CA from 16-18th of June, is an annual gathering of University of California professionals that provides an opportunity to share perspectives, best practices, challenges and solutions that can be used to improve efficiency and manage risk in the workplace.
Drew has handled claims for the University of California system for the last three years. As a trusted vendor and claim professional for the University of California Regents, Drew was invited to present to the University’s system-wide risk management professionals. The goal of the presentation is to educate the University’s risk management team on best practices for loss mitigation, recovery, and claim procedures. The presentation will involve looking back at the University’s loss history to identify missed opportunities as well as successful initiatives that helped reduce exposure. There will also be a discussion of how to limit the frequency and severity of losses through training and effective maintenance and capital improvements, to help the University mitigate its loss exposure moving forward.
Drew is also an alumnus of the University of California, Santa Barbara.
To learn more about this annual event please visit the Risk Summit website at: www.ucop.edu/enterprise-risk-management/initiatives/risk-summit.html.

Risk Summit 2014
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