Instructions for new users

On both the Report a Claim page as well as at the top of the Report a Claim WebScheme page, we first ask you to identify the general type of claim from the selection box above, and press the “Submit” button. A data entry screen will appear, appropriate to the type of claim. Obviously we will need to obtain answers to a few questions to enable us to act. Completion of some of the fields is mandatory, though the more information that you provide, the easier it is for us to get things underway. We may also need to check policy details and confirm the instructions.

Once the new claim has been entered, press the “Submit” button. The claim will be recorded and staff at our controlling office will immediately be notified by email. You will then receive confirmation that the claim adjustment is underway. If you are not logged in to clientNET, we may also need to verify your instructions by telephone. For more information about clientNET and how to become registered, contact your nearest McLarens branch.

To follow up a report a CLAIM previously lodged via this website, please send an email to with the relevant details. If you reported a claim directly through a McLarens branch, please contact that McLarens branch.

What is a Claim Type?

First, identify the type of claim you are reporting. Select the type of claim from the list available in the drop down menu.

From the Report a Claim WebScheme page, where do I find the WebScheme Identifier (ID)?

The WebScheme Identifier (ID) is a unique two-part identifier provided to you with instructions to visit this web site and report a claim under the WebScheme. If you do not have a WebScheme ID, report your claim using the Claim Type section or via the Report a Claim page.

What is a WebScheme ID?

The WebScheme ID is a unique two-part identifier provided to you with instructions to visit this web site and report a claim under the WebScheme. If you have a WebScheme ID, enter it in the ‘Report A WebScheme’ section. Once this information has been entered, you will be able to access an area designed specifically for your use. This facility is available for employees of insurers, brokers, and companies with whom we have claims settlement arrangements.

WebSchemes and How to Join

A WebScheme is a special arrangement McLarens has in place to respond to certain types of claims for a particular account. WebScheme Identifiers and WebScheme Passcodes are the means by which the correct account is selected to ensure that the appropriate parties are notified. For more information on setting up a WebScheme, please contact an office of McLarens or email