As there are ongoing storms in the UK and Ireland we are sharing an update bulletin on Storm Arwen in December 2021 by Kieran Gallagher, Executive Director for CAT and Surge.
The attached update features:
- We have conducted visits on 78% of Arwen claims received to date.
- The majority of new instructions have been from west and east coast locations.
- Our Surge Plan status remains at Red with no capacity issues envisaged.
If you have any queries on any of the points covered in the attached, these can be raised directly with Kieran Gallagher on
Previous bulletins are available to read and download from the News section of
New storm loss instructions can be directed to your usual contact or:
UK +44 (0)141 582 1390
Ireland +353 (0)1 693 1026
Out of Hours +44 (0)330 024 9955

McLarens Storm Surge Bulletin - UPDATE Arwen - December 2021
To help keep you connected to the latest developments in storms in UK & Ireland, we are sharing our latest technical bulletin on Storm Arwen.